Aug 27, 2023Liked by GeroDoc

Resisting and educating when opportunity arises! Also about “the six foot distancing” which when it comes up, I ask if 5’10 means we get covid? Or when vaccines are pushed, response is, I’ve had covid,please share the data that another shot benefits me, and I might agree.

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Aug 27, 2023Liked by GeroDoc

I couldn’t agree with you more on the masking issue and will absolutely not be taking part in any more of that lunacy. I’m really hoping that my dad’s care home will not reinstate this (I can see the vaccination push ramping up once again unfortunately). I was disappointed to read your sentence about the vaccinations though. Those should never have been pushed onto elderly people and have contributed to many elderly people getting CoVid within the first two weeks of injection. At my dad’s care conference we declined any vaccines at all and requested that he have his vitamin d levels checked as he is very likely (as many elderly people are) to be very low. Vit D is very important for your immune system. It was like we were asking for some way out, tinfoil hat horsepaste. We will see if they actually get the dr who did not attend the mtg to write the lab request. Why this isn’t a standard practice in all care homes, one can only wonder...

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Go to the other families to see if like minded and then brig class action lawsuit for cruel and inhumane treatment, forced medical compliance without consent. This insanity HAS to stop but only will if families push back on corporate overlords who only do something to cover their cowardly asses.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by GeroDoc

My small contribution to resisting masks: I attended a conference last week. We found out last Friday afternoon that someone had caught Covid. About 85% of participants then scrambled to use any sort of mask they could find, ranging in quality from fabric to N95. We continued with our proceedings, and I noticed that masks were regularly removed to speak and drink beverages, so I’m sure we all got lots of exposure! By the next day, 3-4 more people had caught Covid. We were implored to “make use of masks and distance, and other things that have proven effective over the last few years.” I was pretty annoyed, but stayed silent, only occasionally smirking. In my conference evaluation, I pointed out to our leadership the effect of masks in South Korea during their first omicron wave (null), and referred them to Alasdair Munro’s excellent post-Cochrane explainer Substack article on what we know and don’t know about mask effectiveness. I also pointed out that this belief in safety from using masks is a great example of “anchoring bias,” which is a cognitive bias that causes us to rely too heavily on the first pieces of information we learn about a given topic. I think I’ve seen anchoring bias exhibited time and again with regard to SARS2, and especially by people who ought to know better.

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I pray people will not comply this time.

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